Dennis Dubois
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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"Renewable sources like solar, wind and water/ tidal power should be incentivized so that new businesses can be attracted."
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"I am a strong supporter of a living wage. Hard working men & women should earn a salary that allows them the dignity to self-support themselves and their families. Taxpayers should not have to support workers, simply because they aren't paid a living wage. Consumers should be the ones that support workers, not taxpayers. I would rather pay a few cents more for a hamburger or a box of macaroni than to pay higher income taxes every year, supporting programs for low wage workers like Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, and Medicaid."
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"Renewable sources like solar, wind and water/ tidal power should be incentivized so that new businesses can be attracted."
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"I also support efforts to bring in power from Canada, via the Northern Pass."
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"Renewable sources like solar, wind and water/ tidal power should be incentivized so that new businesses can be attracted."