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Historical Details

Position on Issues

NHPTV Voter Guide, 2012

"No income tax... I would consider other tax ideas if they were tied to permanently lowering or eliminating the property tax. "

NHPTV Voter Guide, 2012

"I do not support expansion of legalized gambling in New Hampshire. I don't want my state to be like Atlantic City or Las Vegas. People come here because of the beautiful countryside, the rural atmosphere and the great people. Gambling does not bring out the best in people."

NHPTV Voter Guide, 2012

"If the state mandates that something be done then they should provide the funding for it. I believe in local control and decision making. "

NHPTV Voter Guide, 2012

"No income tax... I would consider other tax ideas if they were tied to permanently lowering or eliminating the property tax. "

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