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Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2023

"In the 10-year period during which the Assault Weapons Ban was in place, gun massacres decreased dramatically — ​but​ they’ve increased dramatically ever since. Dean believes it’s time to reinstate this commonsense policy. Given that we don’t allow hand grenades, bazookas or machine guns on our streets, there is precedent for the same sort of reasonable approach to assault weapons that will save lives."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2023

"For goodness sake, the family, friends, and staff of Senators Feinstein and McConnell are doing them and our country a tremendous disservice. It’s time for term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court, and some basic human decency."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by requiring budget cuts to match any new federal spending?

Candidate's Website, 2023

"Dean has co-sponsored and voted for legislation to lower costs for Americans who are feeling the effects of the rising cost of goods and services.

"Those bills include the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act, which would punish big oil companies engaging in predatory price hikes while raking in billions in profits; the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act, which would help lower the cost of gas and groceries by lowering costs for farmers and increasing the availability of cheaper fuels at the pump; and the Inflation Reduction Act, which was recently signed into law and will lower the cost of energy, healthcare, and prescription drugs while reducing the federal deficit by nearly $300 billion."

Candidate's Website, 2023

"In Congress, Dean has helped pass legislation through the House, such as HR 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, which provides for a path to citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants, and he led the effort to provide permanent status for our Liberian community, many of whom have lived here legally for decades but under the constant threat of eventual deportation."

Other, 2023

Rep. Phillips has not specifically addressed the idea of competency tests, but he has suggested that Biden's age makes him a less than ideal candidate for president.

"He’s a president of great competence and success, I admire the heck out of President Biden," Phillips said. "And if he were 15-20 years younger it would be a no-brainer to nominate him, but considering his age it’s absurd we’re not promoting competition but trying to extinguish it."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

Other, 2023

Rep. Phillips has not said how far the U.S. military should support Taiwan, and is wary of escalation. When then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in 2022, Rep. Phillips said, "Had I been consulted, I would have advised against the trip at this particular time. But since it's now public, we must demonstrate that no country dictates where we travel and with whom we meet. The world is watching, and it's imperative the United States reassert its convictions and resolve."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support ending China's Permanent Normal Trade Relations status?

Voting Record, 2023

Phillips voted against H R 734, a bill that would limit student participation in women's sports according to "a person's reproductive biology and genetics at birth."

Candidate's Website,

"In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v Wade, Dean co-sponsored and voted for HR 8297, the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act, and HR 8111, the My Body, My Data Act—each of which would protect women seeking reproductive health care out-of-state—as well as HR 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify the reproductive freedoms previously guaranteed by Roe."

Candidate's Website, 2023

"In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v Wade, Dean co-sponsored and voted for HR 8297, the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act, and HR 8111, the My Body, My Data Act—each of which would protect women seeking reproductive health care out-of-state—as well as HR 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify the reproductive freedoms previously guaranteed by Roe."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2022

"Truth: There are thousands of unused leases in the USA and little stopping oil companies from drilling more domestically - other than financial risk intolerance and a love of high market prices. That’s how they earned ~$300 in PROFIT off each of America’s 228mm drivers last year."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government limit certain firearm purchases to residents over age twenty-one?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2021

"It’s time to legalize cannabis, regulate it, tax it, and stop treating people who use it as criminals. The current law is ruining lives not saving them."

Candidate's Website, 2018

"Retirees and those near retirement age have paid into the system and made plans based on a promised level of benefits. However, without any change in policy, Social Security will only be able to pay about 77% of its promised benefits by the year 2034. Dean will explore all fiscally responsible and fair proposals to preserve benefits for as many as possible, and advocate for a mechanism by which wealthier retirees may voluntarily redirect their benefits to lower-income retirees."

Candidate's Website, 2023

"Retirees and those near retirement age have paid into the system and made plans based on a promised level of benefits. However, without any change in policy, Social Security will only be able to pay about 77% of its promised benefits by the year 2034. Dean will explore all fiscally responsible and fair proposals to preserve benefits for as many as possible, and advocate for a mechanism by which wealthier retirees may voluntarily redirect their benefits to lower-income retirees."

Candidate's Website, 2018

"We need to stop criminals, gangs and terrorists from crossing our borders, but 21st-century threats require 21st-century technology — not an ineffective border wall that will add over $100 billion to our deficit by 2028. Dean supports giving law enforcement the technologies, tools and resources they need to combat illegal border crossings, such as surveillance cameras, drones and underground sensors, so we can prevent anyone who poses a threat to our country from crossing at all."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support using military force against drug cartels inside Mexico?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2023

"Supporting Ukraine in its defense against the Russian invasion AND preventing the proliferation of weapons to Iranian proxies threatening stability in the Middle East? Yes, please!

"And once we have a new Speaker, we must pass the Ukrainian supplemental and Fight CRIME Act now!"

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2021

"I remain in Washington and have joined @RepCicilline , @RepTedLieu , and @RepRaskin in introducing Articles of Impeachment to remove Donald J. Trump from the Presidency. Principle matters, and our oath to the Constitution is just as solemn on day 1 as on day 1,448 of a term."

Candidate's Website, 2018

"Dean will fight hard to ensure that Medicare can negotiate prescription drug prices with pharmaceutical companies, which would save American taxpayers approximately $240 billion over 10 years."

Candidate's Website, 2018

"Millions of retirees count on Social Security and Medicare, and a majority of those who need nursing home care depend on Medicaid. Dean believes in protecting such earned benefits — not cutting or privatizing them."

Other, 2023

"Let's start with Social Security. Will I cut that? No. Just the opposite. In fact, I would do the opposite. If we maintain the status quo right now Social Security runs, its trust fund goes dry by 2033 which means anybody who  relies on it will see a 25% cut in their Social Security. And by the way that's that not an entitlement, that's something people have earned. Way too many Americans have nothing else but their Social Security, especially in inflationary time, there's very little. So I propose we raise what we call the cap, right, now it's about $160,000 a year. It's a very regressive tax because people of great means are paying a lot less percentage than people of more modest means. So I would raise that to $250,000, that would generate enough income for the trust fund to make it last well into the 2040s, buy us all a lot more time."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2023

"We’re days away from a possible debt downgrade and weeks away from default. Ds & Rs should agree to: 1) Raise/reform the debt ceiling. 2) Permitting reform. 3) Caps on future spending. 4) Raise corp tax to 25%. 5) Rescind ‘17 tax cuts for the wealthy. Makes trillions of 💲ense."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

Candidate's Website, 2023

"Dean believes every Minnesotan should be able to access an affordable two- or four-year college degree, enroll in an apprenticeship program, or earn a job-training certificate that prepares them for jobs of the future. And while he supports targeted relief for federal student debt holders with the greatest need—including those pursuing in-demand professions, such as teaching, nursing, and law enforcement—Dean believes we must treat the underlying problem of college affordability rather than engage in short-term actions to treat the symptoms."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?

Candidate's Website, 2023

"In addition to supporting and voting for the climate investments included in the Inflation Reduction Act, Dean is an original cosponsor of HR 2307, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which would put a price on carbon and return the proceeds to every taxpayer, along with HR 8395, the EPA Regulatory Authority Act of 2022, which would restore the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions."
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