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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?

"The federal government should not ban 'military-style' firearms."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by giving states a fixed block grant for Medicaid?

"I only see two future options. 1. Change the VA Hospital System to 'Public Health for ALL.' And give Veterans a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Master Heath Plus program with NO CO-PAY. (Veterans are the 'only members of the USA who have earnt quality FREE HEALTH CARE.) 2. Or, try to fix the mess of The Affordable Care Act utilizing the 'original template' Massachusetts Heath Care Program. Back to the basics."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the U.S. make illegal border crossings a civil rather than criminal offense?

"The U.S. should keep illegal border crossings a criminal offense."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should Congress create a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children?

"I support a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by eliminating the "essential health benefits" insurance plans must cover?

"I only see two future options. 1. Change the VA Hospital System to 'Public Health for ALL.' And give Veterans a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Master Heath Plus program with NO CO-PAY. (Veterans are the 'only members of the USA who have earnt quality FREE HEALTH CARE.) 2. Or, try to fix the mess of The Affordable Care Act utilizing the 'original template' Massachusetts Heath Care Program. Back to the basics."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by increasing funding for research on climate issues?

"Again, 'Walls or Windmills?' The answer is NOT simple. However, I have figured it out..."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

"If the 'Federal Government' supports Death, it should also support LIFE. The right to choose would be different if diapers, formula, car seats, lunch monies, and the like were guaranteed if you choose to have your baby."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government raise the minimum wage?

"The federal government should raise the minimum wage."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to an abortion as decided in Roe v. Wade?

"I believe in the Legality of Preserving Life. However, the case Roe v. Wade sets precedent. I do believe in a separation of 'Church' and 'State.' And currently, the Right to Choose is legal. The determination of abortions' moral, ethical, and religious views should always be made by the family involved. Professor Howard Zinn in his book, 'The People's History of the United States' records the first abortion seen in the Americas by the Priest who accompanied Admiral Columbus. Today's perspective should be the question of 'what is life?' And who is responsible for the new child's fiduciary needs. Also, 'should the State fund Life?' That would be my question!"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for energy efficiency?

"Again, 'Walls or Windmills?' The answer is NOT simple. However, I have figured it out..."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for renewable energy?

"Again, 'Walls or Windmills?' The answer is NOT simple. However, I have figured it out..."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government provide free tuition at public colleges and universities?

"A Public Service initiative should take place. NOTE: Not ALL 'Public Service' is Military Service."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should higher income brackets pay more in federal taxes than they currently do?

"I believe in a TAX LAW reform. And, although a trickle-down economic view may work, imposing higher TAXES on the wealthy may possibly motivate those 'rich' to become X-Patriots. If we create a win-win TAX reform LAW, we may build a much more stable economy while paying down the 22.5 Trillion Dollar National Debt."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Do you generally support higher tariffs on imports from countries such as China, where we have a large trade deficit?

"I am confident that both the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C. need first to look at the budget. The mismanagement of TAX Dollars is our first obstacle. Priorities need to be placed in effect. And, accountability for waste, fraud, abuse, and neglect of Public Funds needs to be put into place."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government increase funding for transportation infrastructure, such as road repair and highway expansion?

"The federal government should increase funding for transportation infrastructure."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government increase private sector involvement in veterans' health care?

"The VA should be dissolved or a complete overhaul of the VA Hospital System should take place. It is a disappointment. 996 dead Veterans a day from 2005-2016. How many were criminally and negligently over prescribed Opioids? I am a 100% Service Connected Disabled Veteran with injuries as a result of 'Combat Conditions.' The VA can't even fill prescriptions correctly. Unacceptable. Moreover, the VA is just the 'training ground' for Medical School Students and uncertified Doctors. This leads to many misdiagnosis. The VA is so bad, Veterans have committed suicide inside the Clinics and VA Hospitals within the last 3 years. VETERANS DESERVE BETTER!!!!!!"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

"The government should legalize marijuana at the federal level."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

"The Social Security system is nearly fiscally unmanageable. We need to implement a 'long-term' change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by automatically enrolling every citizen in Medicare, replacing most private insurance?

"I only see two future options. 1. Change the VA Hospital System to 'Public Health for ALL.' And give Veterans a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Master Heath Plus program with NO CO-PAY. (Veterans are the 'only members of the USA who have earnt quality FREE HEALTH CARE.) 2. Or, try to fix the mess of The Affordable Care Act utilizing the 'original template' Massachusetts Heath Care Program. Back to the basics."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?

"I only see two future options. 1. Change the VA Hospital System to 'Public Health for ALL.' And give Veterans a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Master Heath Plus program with NO CO-PAY. (Veterans are the 'only members of the USA who have earnt quality FREE HEALTH CARE.) 2. Or, try to fix the mess of The Affordable Care Act utilizing the 'original template' Massachusetts Heath Care Program. Back to the basics."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the U.S. build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S.?

"Again please see; THISTLE 2020 WALLS OR WINDMILLS"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government provide more funding to states to fight opioid addiction?

"I am against Government Funding for a Crisis created by GREED. I would have the RICO ACT enforced on the Drug Companies, Sales Reps., Doctors, Politicians, and the FDA employees who knowingly passed laws allowing for the over prescribing of Opioids. They would pay for it out of pocket."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

According to a 2019 poll, two-thirds of U.S. adults say they have little or no confidence in federal government. What is your plan to restore confidence in the federal government?

"Institute accountability and set an example for our children again.

"Also, no Government shutdowns will take place due to the negligence of Congressional Representatives and the Senate. I would lock the doors of the 'House Chamber' with the Representatives inside before another 35 day or longer shutdown occurred again."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

"The Social Security system is nearly fiscally unmanageable. We need to implement a 'long-term' change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?

"The Social Security system is nearly fiscally unmanageable. We need to implement a 'long-term' change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

"The Social Security system is nearly fiscally unmanageable. We need to implement a 'long-term' change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by repealing the tax penalty for employers who do not offer health insurance?

"I only see two future options. 1. Change the VA Hospital System to 'Public Health for ALL.' And give Veterans a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Master Heath Plus program with NO CO-PAY. (Veterans are the 'only members of the USA who have earnt quality FREE HEALTH CARE.) 2. Or, try to fix the mess of The Affordable Care Act utilizing the 'original template' Massachusetts Heath Care Program. Back to the basics."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the U.S. impose additional sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its aggressive action in Syria and the Ukraine?

"I wholeheartedly believe that other options for negotiation exist."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?

"My first choice for student debt repayment is Volunteer Service Credits. Moreover, my goal is to put into place apprenticeships, volunteer, and public service options to cover ALL education expenses."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?

"Again, 'Walls or Windmills?' The answer is NOT simple. However, I have figured it out..."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Do you agree with President Trump on withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement?

"I would need to see the NASA Numbers. My thoughts are simple. I am in the belief that President Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement to advance the Space Program. Unfortunately, all those numbers are not in. But keep in mind, Elon Musk is not putting a coat hanger looking emissions tester in the but end of a rocket ship and then placing a California Emissions window sticker on his Falcon Heavy Rocket wind shield."

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