David A. Bickford
Historical Details
Position on Issues
Other| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
In 2023 Rep. Bickford voted for HB 367 and HB 464, two bills that would expand eligibility for the Education Freedom Account program. However, in 2024 Rep. Bickford voted against HB 1677, a bill to expand eligibility for the Education Freedom Account (EFA) program to include students who live in school districts with a low performing school, students whose enrollment transfer request were denied, and students who participated in the EFA program the preceding school year.
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2016
Voted against prohibiting abortions at or after 20 weeks gestation (HB 1636)
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2023
Voted against HB 591, a bill that would prohibit a doctor from performing an abortion after detecting a fetal heartbeat.
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted against banning cell phone use while driving (HB 1360)
Other| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
While the House did not address this issue directly, Rep. Bickford voted against HB 1419, a bill to ban various sex-related content in K-12 schools. However, Bickford also voted for HB 1312, a bill that would require school districts to notify parents two weeks before any curriculum related to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression.
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
Voted to keep the state law aimed at banning critical race theory in schools and state trainings (HB 1162)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should NH add an income tax on earned income?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should New Hampshire add a tax credit for businesses that contribute to student loan repayment for employees?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024
Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted against a casino (HB 1633)
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
Voted against establishing a climate and health protection program with non-state funds, such as federal grants (SB 496).
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted in favor of terminating New Hampshire's participation in Common Core (HB 1508)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted for decriminalization of marijuana (HB 1625)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should New Hampshire add a fee or mileage charge for electric vehicle owners to help pay for transportation and/or electric infrastructure?
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2015
Voted in favor of 2015 House Bill 572. When residential land is taken through eminent domain for a gas pipeline, HB 572 allows the resident to require the pipeline company to purchase all of the land, not just a part.
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
In 2024 Rep. Bickford voted against a few bills that would ease zoning requirements. For example, Bickford voted against HB 1291 (which would increase rights of property owners to build accessory dwelling units), HB 1399 (which would make it easier to convert single family residence into two units), and HB 1400 (which would limit parking requirements, plus add tax credits for office conversions).
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted against broadening campaign finance disclosure laws to include more organizations, particularly nonprofits (SB 120)
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2015
Voted to allow qualifying patients and caregivers to grow medicinal marijuana at home (HB 593)
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
Voted against increasing the maximum electric generating capacity to participate in net energy metering, from one to five megawatts (HB 523)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should New Hampshire extend the renewable portfolio standard past 2025, requiring public utilities to obtain more than 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources?
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2024
Voted for a constitutional right to abortion before 24 weeks (CACR 23).
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024
Should the state increase funding for child care providers?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted to legalize and tax marijuana (HB 492)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by allowing home-growing and private use without sales?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by establishing state-run cannabis stores?
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2016
Voted against various abortion restrictions in 2016, such as a bill to prohibit abortions based on genetic abnormality (HB 1623)
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2015
Voted to forbid the use of EBT cards or cash from EBT cards for alcohol, tobacco, gambling, lottery tickets, tattoos, firearms, or adult entertainment (SB 169)
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted to repeal the death penalty (HB 1170)
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted to give preferential treatment to transmission line projects that bury the lines (HB 569)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Should the state permanently increase how much tax revenue it shares with towns and cities every year, beyond public school funding?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022
Do you support the gradual phase-out of the Interests and Dividends tax?
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024
Should New Hampshire add legal protections for residents of other states who travel here for health care related to abortion or gender transition?
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2023
Voted to repeal the "fetal life protection act", which restricts access to abortion after 24 weeks (HB 271).
Against| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted against requiring labeling of genetically engineered foods (HB 660)
No Response
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024
Should NH require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement?
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2015
Voted against a bill that would have prohibited state funds for any health care provider that performs abortions, regardless of whether public funds were utilized for that specific service (HB 677).
For| Read My Position
Voting Record, 2014
Voted to consider a moratorium on wind farms (HB 580)
These objective, nonpartisan measures are used to show this legislator's activities at the Statehouse in 2023 and 2024. The measures are not intended to present a ranking or rating of any kind. Average is that of all state elected officials in this chamber. Gov. Sununu is still in the process of signing and vetoing 2024 bills, so the number of prime sponsored bills that became law may increase.
Session days attended
Party unity score/partisanship
Participated in official roll call votes
Bills sponsored (as prime sponsor)
Prime sponsored bills that became law
Voting Record
HB 619 (2023)
Prohibits gender transition care for minors under age 18. This bill also prohibits teaching about gender identity in public schools (with an exception for high school psychology courses), requires schools to use the name and gender that students are enrolled as, prohibits students from participating on sports teams that do not correspond to their biological sex at birth, and requires students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological sex at birth.
HB 1145 (2024)
Prohibits new solid waste landfill permits in the state for facilities owned by any person other than the state of New Hampshire or a political subdivision thereof.
HB 1419 (2024)
Prohibits K-12 schools from making "any material that is harmful to minors" available to students. The bill defines this material to include various content related to sex. This bill also requires school boards to adopt complaint resolution policies to address complaints regarding harmful material by parents or guardians.
HB 1248 (2024)
Changes the state limit on abortion after 24 weeks gestation to 15 days gestation.
HB 1649 (2024)
Restricts the use of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in consumer products. For example, this bill bans the sale of cosmetics, food packing, carpets, and more products with added PFAS starting July 1, 2028. The House changed that date to January 1, 2027.
The Senate amended the bill to also state that settlement funds from PFAS lawsuits will be deposited in the drinking water and groundwater trust fund and used to fund public water systems impacted by PFAS.
HB 1322 (2024)
Gradually increases the minimum wage to $17 per hour by 2029. This bill then allows future increases best on the Northeast Consumer Price Index. This bill also increases the tipped minimum wage from 45% to 50% of the regular minimum wage.
HB 1665 (2024)
Raises the annual household income limit to qualify for the Education Freedom Account (EFA) program, from 350% to 500% of the federal poverty level (from about $100,000 to about $150,000 for a family of four).
The Senate rewrote the bill. The Senate version of the bill raises eligibility to just 400% of the federal poverty level, and extends the timeline for phase-out grants for public schools when students leave to use EFA program funds, from 2026 to 2029. These changes are similar to SB 442, a bill killed in the House.
HB 1291 (2024)
Increases the number of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) allowed by right from one to two. This bill also increases the maximum square footage from 750 square feet to 1,000 square feet (and 850 square feet for a second unit). The bill then sets other regulations municipalities can and cannot require for ADUs. For example, the bill states that municipalities may require a property to have at least one half acre to have more than one ADU.
HB 1400 (2024)
Prohibits zoning and planning regulations that set maximum residential parking spaces above one parking space per unit.
HB 1656 (2024)
Greatly increases the per-pupil state education funding for each student receiving special education services. The House amended the bill to establish three weighted categories for special education differentiated aid, with more funding going to students who need more services.
HB 1711 (2024)
Establishes a system to report to the firearm background check system if a person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, not competent to stand trial, or involuntarily committed to a mental health facility. This bill also allows the court to order a person to surrender their firearms in these circumstances. This bill also establishes a process for a person to have their record removed from the background check system after six months, if they are no longer a danger to themselves or others.
CACR 23 (2024)
Constitutional amendment creating a right to abortion, including a ban on any restrictions on abortion prior to 24 weeks.
HB 1283 (2024)
Establishes a procedure for an individual with terminal illness to receive medical assistance in dying through the self administration of medication (sometimes called physician-assisted suicide). The bill establishes criteria for the prescription of such medication and establishes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance.
HB 1377 (2024)
Right-to-work bill that prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.
HB 1633 (2024)
Legalizes and regulates recreational marijuana sales to adults over age twenty-one. As amended by the House, this bill would allow the state to license fifteen cannabis retail outlets. There would be a 10% tax on monthly total gross revenue derived from the sale of cannabis and cannabis products. Smoking in public and consuming marijuana while driving would be illegal. Towns could limit marijuana businesses.
HB 470 (2023)
Exempts some drug checking equipment from the definition of drug paraphernalia, and allows the use of drug checking equipment, such as fentanyl test strips, for harm reduction.
SB 263 (2023)
Permanently reauthorizes the New Hampshire Granite Advantage Health Care Program, commonly known as expanded Medicaid. Previous law ended the program on December 31, 2023. This bill also reestablishes and revises the commission to evaluate the New Hampshire Granite Advantage Health Care Program, commonly known as expanded Medicaid.
HB 1205 (2024)
Prohibits anyone with the reproductive biology and genetics of a male at birth from participating on school sports teams designated for females. As introduced, this bill covered K-12 schools as well as the university and community college system. The House amended the bill so that it only applies to middle and high schools.
HB 2 (2023)
State budget bill (part 2). The governor presented his proposal for the next state budget February 14. The House and Senate both made changes to that proposal. Click here to read a summary of the 2023 budget process.
HB 106 (2023)
Establishes a procedure for issuing "extreme risk protection orders" to protect against persons who pose an immediate risk of harm to themselves or others. An extreme risk protection order would restrict a person's access to firearms, and is also known as a "red flag law."
HB 59 (2023)
Requires commercial sales and transfers of firearms to take place through licensed dealers. Those dealers are required to perform background checks.
HB 208 (2023)
Establishes greenhouse gas emission reduction goals for the state, to net zero by 2050. This bill also requires the Department of Environmental Services to develop a climate action plan by July 1, 2024, that includes evaluation of best available information, considers inclusion of strategies, programs and compliance mechanisms with measurable goals and targets, considers opportunities to encourage investment in low/moderate income, rural and minority communities, makes recommendations on retraining and apprenticeship opportunities, and coordinates with other state agencies.
HB 523 (2023)
Increases the maximum electric generating capacity to participate in net energy metering, from one to five megawatts. This bill also modifies the transition of tariffs applicable to some customer-generators.
HB 57 (2023)
Gradually raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour over the next three years, with future adjustments based on the consumer price index. This bill also raises the tipped minimum wage from 45% to 50% of the regular minimum wage. Lastly, this bill allows a minimum wage of $8 per hour for youth under age 18 for the first six months of employment.
HB 624 (2023)
Requires state and local law enforcement to notify the public before an immigration checkpoint.
HB 567 (2023)
Requires at least 30 days written notice for a rent increase. Large, multi-unit rental owners must provide at least 60 days notice. If the rent increase is over 15%, large multi-unit landlords must provide at least 6 months notice.
SB 272 (2023)
Establishes a parental bill of rights in education. Some of the parental rights in this bill include:
"The right to access and review all medical records of a child maintained by a school or school personnel"
"The right to inquire of the school or school personnel and to be truthfully and completely informed if the child is being identified or referred to by school district staff, as being of a gender other than that of which the child was identified or referred when enrolled"
HB 10 (2023)
Establishes a parental bill of rights. Some of the parental rights in this bill include:
"The right to direct the education and care of his or her minor child"
"The right to be physically present at any health care facility ... at which their minor child is receiving hospital care"
"The right to consent in writing before a biometric scan of his or her minor child is made, shared, or stored"
HB 367 (2023)
Increases the maximum household income limit for participation in the Education Freedom Account program, from 300% to 500% of the federal poverty guidelines. The Education Freedom Account program allows families to spend the state's per-pupil share of education funding on private or home school expenses.
The House amended the bill to only increase the income limit to 350% of the federal poverty guidelines.
HB 557 (2023)
Removes the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to require vaccinations beyond those in state law. This bill specifically notes that the requirements for chickenpox, Hepatitis B, and Hib vaccinations will expire in 2026.
HB 639 (2023)
Legalizes marijuana for adults over age twenty-one. The bill allows limited home-growing of marijuana. A new Cannabis Commission would oversee licensing and regulations related to the manufacture, testing, and sale of legal marijuana. Cannabis sales would be taxed under the Meals and Rooms tax system. Alternative Treatment Centers, which currently serve the state's medical marijuana patients, would be allowed to apply for a "dual use certificate" that allows them to participate in recreational marijuana business. Towns could limit marijuana businesses.
HB 224 (2023)
Repeals the civil and criminal penalties for health care providers who violate the state's ban on abortion after 24 weeks.
HB 1623 (2016)
Prohibits abortion based on genetic abnormality.
HB 1338 (2016)
Allows parents and guardians to opt their students out of the statewide assessment test, and prohibits schools and the state from penalizing students who do not take statewide assessments.
HB 1480 (2016)
Raises the minimum wage to $8.25 in 2017, $9 in 2018, and $9.50 in 2019.
HB 1616 (2016)
Allows a person obtaining a driver's license to choose whether the license complies with the federal Real ID Act of 2005.
HB 593 (2015)
Permits qualifying patients and registered caregivers to grow medicinal marijuana at home.
SB 576 (2016)
This bill includes many regulations aimed at combating heroin and prescription drug abuse. For example, this bill increases the penalties for abusing fentanyl and provides funding for an upgrade to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
HB 1694 (2016)
Legalizes and taxes marijuana for adults over age twenty-one.
HB 1696 (2016)
Continues expanded Medicaid eligibility, with some revisions. This bill adds work requirements to eligibility for expanded Medicaid. Additional funding is provided by the insurance premium tax, paid by insurance companies.
SB 498 (2016)
Reduces the penalty for possessing 1/4 ounce or less of marijuana from a class A to an unspecified misdemeanor.
HB 1374 (2016)
Requires moneys paid into the Renewable Energy Fund to be rebated to ratepayers, rather than spent on other renewable energy projects.
SB 336 (2016)
Removes the phrase "suitable person" from the law governing concealed carry permits, and instead requires law enforcement to issue a permit so long as the person is not prohibited from owning a firearm by state or federal law.
SB 4 (2015)
Tightens the definition of domicile for the purpose of voting. In particular, the final version of this bill requires a voter to live in New Hampshire at least 10 days before voting.
HB 1 (2015)
2016-2017 state budget bill (part 1). The budget cuts business taxes, restores the Rainy Day Fund, and increases funding for some social services. The budget does not reauthorize Medicaid expansion or include a pay raise negotiated with state employees.
HB 684 (2015)
Raises the minimum wage to $9.10 in 2016, $11.40 in 2017, and $14.25 in 2018. Starting in 2019, the minimum wage is adjusted according to cost of living.
SB 106 (2015)
Prohibits the sale, use, or possession of synthetic drugs, such as "spice."
HB 136 (2015)
Prohibits tanning facilities from tanning anyone under age 18. At the time of this bill's submission, the law allowed tanning under age 18 with a parent or guardian's consent.
SB 113 (2015)
Authorizes two casinos in New Hampshire. One destination casino would pay a $80 million license fee; a smaller casino would pay $40 million to the state. SB 113 also earmarks $25 million in casino profits for distribution to all New Hampshire municipalities.
SB 40 (2015)
Includes fetuses as potential victims under murder statutes. The original Senate version of the bill applied to "viable fetuses," meaning the fetus is old enough to survive outside the womb. The House revised the bill to apply to all fetuses eight weeks and older. The House and Senate did not agree on a final version of the bill.
HB 658 (2015)
Right-to-Work bill that prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.
SB 30 (2015)
Extends the use of municipal economic development and revitalization districts to certain unincorporated places.
SB 116 (2015)
Increases the length of time for which a license to carry a concealed firearm is valid, and repeals the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm.
HB 618 (2015)
Decriminalizes possession of 1/2 ounce or less of marijuana, with additional penalties for violators under age twenty-one.
HB 563 (2015)
Adjusts the additional grants for chartered public school pupils based on the Consumer Price Index, and increases the per pupil state funding for charter school students by $1,000.
SB 101 (2015)
Prohibits the Department of Education and the state Board of Education from implementing the Common Core standards in any school or school district in this state.
HB 403 (2015)
Repeals the law establishing a protest-free buffer zone around reproductive health clinics.
SB 179 (2015)
Requires that a voter has lived in the state and county for at least 30 days.
SB 169 (2015)
Forbids the use of EBT cards or cash from EBT cards for alcohol, tobacco, gambling, lottery tickets, tattoos, firearms, or adult entertainment.
HB 1486 (2014)
Decreases the fine for underage drinking from $300 to $100 on first offense and from $600 to $300 on a subsequent offense.
SB 207 (2014)
“Pay Equity Law,” a bill to combat pay discrimination based on gender, forbidding employers from restricting employees from discussing wages, and allowing a three year deadline to report pay discrimination to the state (current deadline is one year).
HB 1633 (2014)
Authorizes one casino in New Hampshire, regulated by the Gaming Commission.
HB 1360 (2014)
Forbids cell phone use while driving, unless hands-free.
SB 319 (2014)
Authorizes "buffer zones" for protestors around reproductive health clinics.
HB 1503 (2014)
Originally written to include fetuses eight weeks and older as potential victims under first and second degree murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, and causing or aiding suicide. The House amended the bill to instead increase penalties for for manslaughter or negligent homicide causing a miscarriage or stillbirth.
SB 367 (2014)
Increases the gas tax by four-cents per gallon and removes the toll at Exit 12 in Merrimack.
HB 1403 (2014)
Raises the minimum wage, starting at $9 per hour.
HB 1602 (2014)
Givies the Public Utilities Commission the power to force PSNH to sell its power plants. This bill also requires the state Site Evaluation Committee to address scenic impacts, sound impacts, fire protection plans, and more when evaluating wind farm proposals.
HB 1625 (2014)
Decriminalizes possession of one ounce or less of marijuana, with additional penalties for violators under age twenty-one.
SB 318 (2014)
Establishes the crime of domestic violence.
SB 413 (2014)
Expands Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible.
HB 1170 (2014)
Repeals the death penalty.
HB 1325 (2014)
Allows physician-assisted suicide.
HB 1294 (2014)
Requires Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to allow any health provider into their network for the purpose of participating in the online health insurance exchange.
HB 1411 (2014)
Sends some of last year's budget surplus to the Department of Health and Human Services.
HB 1508 (2014)
Terminates New Hampshire’s participation in the Common Core educational standards.
SB 3 (2014)
Removes all tolls in Merrimack.
SB 203 (2014)
Forbids the use of EBT cards or cash from EBT cards for alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, firearms, or adult entertainment.
HB 573 (2013)
Allows medicinal use of marijuana, without allowing home growing.
HB 501 (2013)
Sets the state minimum wage at $7.25, in place of federal minimum wage.
HB 595 (2013)
Revises 2011 voter ID law to delay requirement that poll workers photograph voters without ID; also allows student ID at polls.
HB 323 (2013)
Right-to-Work bill that prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.
SB 152 (2013)
Authorizes a casino.
HB 659 (2013)
Increases the tobacco tax.
HB 135 (2013)
Limits the use of deadly force, repealing "Stand Your Ground" in favor of the "Castle Doctrine." Under this bill victims could use deadly force within their homes without retreating, but anywhere else they would have to attempt retreat before resorting to deadly force.
HB 630 (2013)
Reallocates proceeds from RGGI to the low-income energy efficiency program.
HB 370 (2013)
Repeals the education tax credit program, in which businesses receive tax breaks for contributing to a scholarship fund for low income students that wish to attend private school.
SB 1 (2013)
Increases the Research and Development tax credit.
HB 1 (2013)
Final 2014-2015 state budget, including increased funding for higher education, increased funding for services for individuals with mental illness and/or other disabilities, no Medicaid expansion, and no gas tax increase.
HB 306 (2013)
Changes RGGI to dedicate some of the proceeds to ratepayer rebates, and lowering the cap on carbon emissions, which will raise the cost of carbon credits to utilities and utility bills to consumers.
SB 153 (2013)
Gives the legislature power to review collective bargaining agreements entered into by the state.
HB 271 (2013)
Forbids NH from expanding Medicaid eligibility under the federal Affordable Care Act.
HB 2 (2013)
Makes various appropriations related to the budget bill, and establishes commissions to study Medicaid expansion and casino regulations.
SB 163 (2013)
Establishes a commission to recommend legislation to prepare for projected sea level rise and other coastal and coastal watershed hazards.
HB 443 (2013)
Bans prison privatization.
HB 451 (2013)
Increases the length of time for which a license to carry a concealed firearm is valid, and repeals the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm.
HB 1644 (2010)
Includes all fetuses as potential victims under first and second degree murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide.
SB 464 (2010)
Establishes speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee.
SB 489 (2010)
Authorizes three casinos in New Hampshire.
CACR 28 (2010)
Constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
HB 1590 (2010)
Repeals same-sex marriage.
HB 1607 (2010)
Establishes certain requirements for the reasonable compensation deduction under the business profits tax. The bill creates a committee to study safe harbors and taxation of investment organizations. This bill also deletes a provision subjecting to taxation certain income accumulated in trust for the benefit of unborn or unascertained persons.SB 450 (2010)
Makes various budget cuts.
SS HB 1 (2010)
Repeals the LLC tax.
HB 1653 (2010)
Decriminalizes possession of 1/4 ounce or less of marijuana, with additional penalties for violators under age eighteen.
HB 1128 (2010)
Makes various regulatory changes, such as allowing towns to adopt a local meals and rooms tax in addition to the state meals and rooms tax and authorizing expanded gambling.
SB 497 (2010)
Establishes certain requirements for the reasonable compensation deduction under the business profits tax. This bill also establishes a committee to study safe harbors.
HB 415 (2009)
Prohibits discrimination based on gender identity.
HB 436 (2009)
Legalizes same-sex marriage.
HB 531 (2009)
Requires parental notification prior to a minor's abortion.
HB 383 (2009)
Requires seat belt usage.
HB 556 (2009)
Repeals the death penalty.
HB 648 (2009)
Allows medicinal use of marijuana, without allowing home growing.