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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"If elected, I will work for three things:
"1. Provide resources to help the many individuals in our community who are suffering from the drug epidemic. ... Also, those who are trying to get treatment for their drug addiction are impeded in their rehabilitation because of limited public transportation options to get to treatment."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"If elected, I will work for three things:
"1. Provide resources to help the many individuals in our community who are suffering from the drug epidemic.
"2. Work to improve the business climate in our community and in our state. Doing so will help to fill the empty buildings with vibrant businesses.
"3. Work to make sure that our transportation dollars are spent more wisely. Our community roads and bridges are in serious disrepair. Also, those who are trying to get treatment for their drug addiction are impeded in their rehabilitation because of limited public transportation options to get to treatment."

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