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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"I will support term limits and I will not serve more than 3 terms."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"No income tax"

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"I will never vote for a sales or income tax."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"Let's end the Insane War on Drugs. Drug use can be a big problem, and it's worse than it used to be (though the people haven't changed). Let's find another way to deal with it. A peaceful way."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"Let's keep New Hampshire safe by ending the Insane War on Drugs. Let's stop building an army waging war on people who smoke. (Well, the ones who smoke a plant not provided by huge big-pocketed companies.)
"If you insist on controlling the commerce in marijuana, let the New Hampshire Liquor stores sell it; why not?"

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"As your next State Representative, Clarence will ... Defend your Right-to-Work"

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"I will never vote to abridge the right of any person to defend himself. And hopefully I'll be one of the freshman class in the General Court next year that will send constitutional carry to the desk of a new governor (Frank Edelblut for Governor) who won't veto it."

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