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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and redistributing its duties?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2024

"Career politicians have contributed to the dysfunctional government we find today.  It's contrarian to 'government of the people, by the people and for the people'.  I fully support term limits which is why I signed a pledge to work to establish them within the federal government.  Career politicians and perennial candidates need to check their personal ambitions and find a career outside of government - like the rest of us!  I intend to go to DC, work solely for the interests of my district and the good of this country and then return home to my family and life.  I pledge that today."

WMUR, 2024

"Inflation and the increased cost of living is a direct result of flooding our economy with unprecedented levels of federal spending and money printing. We need reforms that discourage deficit spending through a constitutional amendment that requires a balanced budget and denies salary to all of Congress and the president until they produce one."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?

WMUR, 2024

"A country without borders is not a country at all. We need to immediately shut down the border until the system is completely transformed. We need to return to the Trump-era 'Remain In Mexico' policy while dramatically reforming who qualifies for asylum. We must end end chain migration and deport those who violated our laws to stay here illegally. I support resuming construction of the wall, hiring additional border patrol agents to patrol and process asylum requests, implementing technology to reinforce border surveillance, and withholding US foreign aid to those countries that allow migrants to traverse their borders to reach ours."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support revising Title IX to limit participation in female sports based on an individual's reproductive biology and genetics at birth?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support an expanded child tax credit that sends monthly payments to middle and low income families?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support extending the Trump-backed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) past 2025?

WMUR, 2024

"I believe that under the Constitution, this matter is left to the states to decide. That’s what we have been insisting as a Republican Party for 50 years. I will respect that important principle in Washington as your representative."

WMUR, 2023

"On the issue of abortion, Bright said he believes the Dobbs Supreme Court decision left it to the states. He was asked what he would do if a 20-week abortion ban came up for a vote in Congress.

"'So, on a 20-week, 22, 24 weeks, you know, I'm open to having a conversation about what that looks like,' he said. "But I support a woman's right and a family's right to decide what to do up until that point.'"

Candidate's Website, 2024

"I believe that under the Constitution, this matter is left to the states to decide. That’s what we have been insisting as a Republican Party for 50 years. I will respect that important principle in Washington as your representative."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support increasing military aid to Taiwan?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support increasing oil and natural gas leases on publicly owned land and water?

Candidate's Website, 2024

"In the Middle East, Israel is a key American ally and the only democracy in a dangerous region. They are entitled to self-defense and we should support them. In prosecuting their war against Hamas, they must take care to limit civilian casualties and collateral damage. I support a two-state solution, but that can never come to pass until and unless Israel’s neighbors respect their right to exist in peace."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by automatically enrolling every citizen in Medicare, replacing most private insurance?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?

WMUR, 2023

"Both Ukraine and Israel, which is another one that folks are talking about, these are two countries that are really strong allies of the United States. And both of those countries didn't ask for what's happening to them right now. And I think that the beauty of the United States is that we are the strong country that can go and be the leader of the world to defeat evil."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support increasing federal enforcement of organized retail crime?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support presidential action to bar asylum-seekers from staying in the United States before their court date?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

WMUR, 2024

"Americans are taxed enough already, and I have signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge to oppose new taxes. We need to stop calling on Americans to bail out Washington politicians who lack the courage to make tough decisions and reduce their irresponsible spending."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should Congress revise Section 230, a federal law that shields social media companies from lawsuits over content that appears on their platforms?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?

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