C J Cronin

Historical Details
Position on Issues
Add NH commuter rail
For| Read My Position
For| Read My Position
"For me, I would love to see the rail come up to Concord."
Broad-based sales tax
Against| Read My Position
Against| Read My Position
"I'm not for an income tax, I'm not for a sales tax"
Northern Pass
Against| Read My Position
Against| Read My Position
"When it comes to the Northern Pass, I feel like for my ward specifically in Concord, that's one of the main reasons why I'm running... because that plan is for that to go through Turtle Town Pond and the conservation area, and for us, a lot of us use that pond for fishing, recreation, or kayaking. ... For me I just see Eversource, as, you know, it's a money grab for them to lease their right of ways to make money for their shareholders and not really thinking about how it impacts the residents of our state and their property values. ... Why are [the lines] not being buried in New Hampshire."