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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2014

"School choice is also very important to me - there is no reason that parents should be forced to send their child to a failing school. To me, 'cherishing education' means giving parents the tools and resources to get their child the best education for them. That includes work study programs, public, parochial, private, home, trade, or charter schools. The current out-of-date one-size-fits-all education system is not serving us well. New Hampshire can lead the way to education freedom and excellence."

Candidate's Website, 2014

I will work in Concord on your behalf- to improve our lives, to reduce the burden of government fees and fines. I'll sponsor legislation to:

- Reduce auto inspections to once every two years.
- Make so-called "crimes of poverty," such as lapsed registrations, fines for failing to pay fines, and towing fees that make it impossible to get your car back a thing of the past.
- Institute comprehensive criminal justice reform for non-violent offenses, making sure that the punishment fits the crime.
- End Washington DC's push to militarize our local police forces.

Candidate's Website, 2014

"I want to make New Hampshire the best place in the country to do business. The strength of our economy is in its small businesses and entrepreneurs. We need a business tax structure that invites investment and encourages creativity."

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