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Position on Issues

Other, 2014

My name is Ben Tasker and I am a first time candidate running for State Representative in Concord, Ward 1 (Penacook).

I am running because Penacook has been overlooked for the past decade and I want to work to change that. I have new energy and fresh ideas that I believe many in Penacook are seeking!

I have already knocked on over 100 doors and have received a great response from my fellow residents of Penacook. I listen to their concerns--they want the Sewall's Falls Bridge replaced, they want lower property taxes, and they are sick of being considered Concord's lesser half.

I bring a different background and approach to this race. I graduated a year early from the University of New Hampshire, with a degree in Healthcare Management and Policy and now work at the Elliot Health System. I am an avid bee researcher and am studying ways to genetically alter the Honeybee to help save them from endangerment. Not something you hear about every day, I know, but I believe my desire to find solutions to problems is exactly what is needed in an elected official.

Penacook is moving in a new direction and is in a transformational phase. That's why we need new and energized leadership to make the most of our potential. Economic development, job creation, attracting investment to our community to help reduce our property taxes are all part of my mission. I ask for your support. Please contact me any time at 6032194676 or email to share your ideas and concerns or to get involved in my campaign.

Ben Tasker
Penacook, NH

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