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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH allow binding referendums?

"Yes, New Hampshire should allow a public referendum."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

Opposes a general sales tax and/or state income tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

Opposes a general sales tax and/or state income tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

Supports expansion of gambling

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?

"Yes and Yes, but Marijuana should be completely legalized and only age restrictions applied. I personally have no use for the stuff myself but I recognize that what Americans want to do, that does not actually harm other should not be my concern and should not be legislated. We, as a society are completely fine with adults consuming items that are very well documented to do grievous harm (I.E. Tobacco and Alcohol)"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should LLCs be subject to the interest and dividends tax?

Opposes LLC tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH increase the interest and dividends tax?

Opposes increase in I&D Tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH increase tolls and/or add new toll booths?

Wants to eliminate all tolls

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH continue to allow medicinal marijuana?

Supports legalizing medicinal marijuana

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?

Opposes a general sales tax and/or state income tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?

"Yes, repeal RGGI. Man-made Global Warming is the biggest scam ever perpetrated upon the American People and Man being able to change the climate is ridiculous."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH repeal same-sex marriage?

"No, because it is none of my business who anyone wants to marry and even less the States business, as long as Religious Institutions are not eventually forced to accept something that goes against their beliefs and doctrine."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?

"No, automobile insurance should be optional"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should businesses that provide insurance be required to cover contraception?

"Yes, they should be able to deny coverage. If it is a program they pay for, they have the right to dictate the terms. If employees do not like it, they should not work there."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH require motorcycle helmets?

"No, let those who ride decide. I ride a motorcycle and nearly always wear a helmet, but I do not believe I should be forced to if I choose not to."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH require seat belts?

"No, adults should be able to choose whether or not to wear a seatbelt"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH revise the meals and rooms tax?

Opposes local meals and rooms tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH use taxpayer money to build a memorial to the Old Man?

"No, do not use public money for a manmade Old Man. If it is to be done, let it be private funds from a willing public, if it is desired."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"No, Firearms Laws need to be lessened and simplified. No Permits should be required for NH Residents to exercise their Constitutionally Protected Second Amendment Right. (US and NH)"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH government switch from a pension system to a 401(k)-style retirement plan?

"Yes, reform benefits. When the Taxpayers who fund these programs are suffering, is it too much to ask the Public Sector employee to share in the sacrifice? I don't think it is too much to demand. It could be revisited, if the populace wills, after the pain is over."

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