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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2014

"To make our roads safer and save lives, Governor Cuomo has increased penalties for texting while driving-particularly for young and new drivers and established official 'Text Stops' on many of New York's interstate highways."

Other, 2003

"Vouchers for private school are not the panacea that the Republicans would have people believe, and they threaten to undermine our existing public schools. Charter schools hold selective promise, but are only a part of the answer. We must embrace comprehensive reform of our public school system that does not continually seek, as the Republicans often do, simply to remove children from, or undermine, those systems." ("Crossroads" by Andrew Cuomo)

Candidate's Website, 2014

"The Governor worked to place a successful constitutional amendment authorizing casinos on the November 2013 ballot, enabling four resort destination gaming facilities to be located in Upstate New York, and helping draw visitors to experience all that Upstate has to offer."

Candidate's Website, 2014

"While demanding high standards for all students, the Governor championed reforms to protect students and parents from the flawed Common Core implementation."

Other, 2012

Supports decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana

Other, 2013

Signed a bill that expands the definition of a prohibited "assault weapon," increases penalties for crimes committed with guns, requires background checks for private gun sales, establishes a statewide gun registration database, and prohibits gun ownership by mentally ill patients

Other, 2013

"The current minimum wage is unlivable. It's only $14,616. The annual cost of gasoline is $1,200. The annual cost of electricity is $1,300. The annual cost of auto insurance is $1,400. The annual cost of groceries is $6,500. The annual cost of childcare is $10,000. The annual cost of housing is $15,000 on a minimum wage of $14,000. My friends, it does not add up. Nineteen other states have raised the minimum wage; we propose raising the minimum wage to $8.75 an hour. It's the right thing to do. It's the fair thing to do. It is long overdue. We should have done it last year. Let's do it this year."

Other, 2012

"Almost 16% of New Yorkers under the age of 65--2.7 million people--are uninsured. Most are working people and their dependents. We have a unique opportunity to address this challenge by developing a New York State Health Insurance Exchange that will be financed entirely by the federal government. When the Exchange is implemented, more than one million New Yorkers will gain health coverage and individuals who currently buy their coverage directly will see their cost drop by 66%. Small businesses will see the cost of providing coverage to their employees drop by 22%.

"In addition to the benefits to the uninsured and small businesses, the Exchange will benefit New York's taxpayers. The $1.7 billion that taxpayers currently contribute to offset the cost of providing care to the uninsured will be significantly reduced. The increased federal Medicaid match that recognizes New York's higher Medicaid eligibility levels will bring an additional $18 billion in funds to the state over 10 years."

Other, 2012

Signed a bill requiring all persons convicted of a crime to provide DNA samples

Candidate's Website, 2014

"Governor Cuomo has made New York into a national leader in promoting a greener environment through clean energy initiatives. He led a multi-state effort to lower carbon emissions by 45 percent through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which also provided $340 million over the past three years for clean energy measures, including $100 million to encourage community-driven smart growth and sustainability plans."

Other, 2012

Signed a bill increasing the retirement age and increases retirement contributions for public employees

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