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Alexander Hemingway


Historical Details

Position on Issues

Other, 2013

"The solution is, if someone's taking money out of a certain fund, the solution is not to put more money in that fund. Right? The solution is to say, let's pass legislation that mandates that this money can only be used for highways and roads, for infrastructure."

Other, 2013

Supports New Hampshire's business tax credit scholarship program

Nashua Telegraph Voter Guide, 2015

Opposes casino gambling

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2015

Opposes Common Core

Candidate's Website, 2014

"As Governor I will:
- Target businesses in other states and work with them to move to New Hampshire.
- Create a business friendly atmosphere with a regulatory and tax structure that is inviting to small and large businesses.
- Utilize technology by creating complete online registration and filing for a company looking to open in this state - this will improve our image as a business-friendly state.
- Push for a tax benefits package to incentivize businesses to move here, including incorporating property and business tax credits that will grow jobs and improve our business climate and revenue.
- Revamp the Department of Resources and Economic Development and change its name to what its job should be: Department of Economic Growth and Wellness."

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2015

Opposes Medicaid expansion

Other, 2014

"Right-to-Work is one of the biggest issues, I think, on our agenda. It would attract new business to New Hampshire, lower costs, increase the tax base. A lot of reasons why Right-to-Work should happen."

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