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HB 62 (2025)

Provide legal and/or financial support for sexual harassment, assault, and stalking cases involving military; add "coercive control" to protective orders law


Requires the adjutant general to provide national guard victims of sexual assault or sexual harassment financial assistance, including travel expenses, to allow the victim to participate in proceedings related to the assault or harassment. This bill then permits the introduction of military protective orders in proceedings for civil domestic violence protective orders and allows the assistance of military special victims' counsel in the drafting and filing the petition protective order. This bill also adds "coercive control" as an abuse that can be alleged when seeking a protective order. Lastly, this bill allows someone to be prosecuted for stalking, or violating a protective order, if they violate a National Guard officer's order not to engage in stalking-related conduct.

Bill Sponsor:
Terry Roy
Republican party logo
Public Hearing Date:
02/05/2025 10:00 am
Public Hearing Location:
LOB Room 202-204
House Voting Date:
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