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HB 186 (2019)


Raises the state minimum wage to $9.50 in 2020 and $12 in 2021, with cost of living adjustments every following year. This bill also raises the base rate for tipped employees from 45% to 60% of the minimum wage. Lastly, this bill establishes a "training wage," one dollar below minimum wage, for employees under age eighteen for the first three months of employment. The House amended the bill to raise the minimum wage to $9.50 in 2020, $10.75 in 2021, and $12 in 2022. The House amendment also increases the tipped minimum wage from 45% to 50% of the minimum wage rate. Lastly, the House version allows sixteen year-olds to be paid one dollar less.

Bill Sponsor:
Howard Moffett
Democratic party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Interim Study
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