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HB 1298 (2024)

Define and regulate part-time teachers


Defines "part-time teachers," who would work less than 20 hours per week teaching a subject they have educational and occupational experience in. Part-time teachers would be subject to the Board of Education's professional code of ethics and professional code of conduct (including a background check).

The Senate amended the bill so that teachers working under 30 hours per week do not need a credential from the state Board of Education.

The House and Senate could not agree on a final version of the bill.

Bill Sponsor:
Glenn Cordelli
Republican party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Died in Conference Committee
Public Hearing Date:
04/09/2024 09:10 am
Public Hearing Location:
LOB Room 101
House Voting Date:
Senate Voting Date:
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