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HB 1280 (2020)

Prescription costs "omnibus" bill, combining several bills


Caps how much health insurers can charge consumers for insulin at $100 for a 30-day supply. The Senate amended the bill to instead cap the payment at $30 for a 30-day supply. The Senate amendment also combines several other bills related to prescription drug pricing.  In particular, the bill establishes a wholesale importation program for prescription drugs from Canada (similar to SB 685).  The bill also establishes a prescription drug affordability board (similar to SB 687), adds unfair pricing of generic prescription drugs to the Consumer Protection Act (similar to SB 688), requires insurers to reply to prior authorization requests within 2 business days (similar to SB 691), and requires insurance coverage for epinephrine autoinjectors (similar to HB 1281).  Lastly, this bill establishes a "prescription drug competitive marketplace," basically increasing competition for pharmacy benefit managers providing prescription drugs through the state employee health plan. 

Bill Sponsor:
Garrett Muscatel
Democratic party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Signed by Governor
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