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HB 1271 (2024)

Convert many licensing and occupational boards into advisory role


Makes various changes to occupational licensing, as requested by the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification. For example, this bill converts the following licensing and certification boards into advisory boards: the Board of Acupuncture Licensing, the Board of Family Mediator Certification, the Guardian ad Litem Board, the Manufactured Housing Installations Standards Board, the Midwifery Council, the Board of Septic System Evaluators, and the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators. This bill also combines the advisory board of massage therapists with the advisory board of reflexology, structural integration, and Asian bodywork therapy. The bill also eliminates the Board of Registration of Medical Technicians.

The House added some of this bill to SB 318.

Bill Sponsor:
Carol McGuire
Republican party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Interim Study
Public Hearing Date:
01/31/2024 10:45 am
Public Hearing Location:
LOB Room 306-308
House Voting Date:
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